Please take a look at the items we have for sale to get an idea of whether your items are likely to be suitable and then drop us a line at Alternatively WhatsApp us some photos to 07887 795815. All items should be in impeccable condition and authentic. Note that we ask that new sellers consign a minimum of 5 items with us initially. Once your items have been pre-approved you can bring them to us in the shop (open every day but Monday) - or we can arrange a collection from you.
Once we've been though your items we email you an itemised receipt and then you just wait for the sales to start!
Note that all prices for items are at our discretion. We do not agree prices with sellers before we accept items for sale, with the exception of some premium items. Please take a look at the items we have for sale currently to give you an idea of the current resale value of items similar to your own.
We ask that you leave each item with us for a minimum of 4 months and usually return any unsold items (after putting them into a sale) at the end of the season.
Once your items start selling, we send monthly emails letting you know there has been activity on your Seller Account - and explaining how to log into your account online to view the transactions. We then wait 14 days to make sure none of the items sold are returned by buyers, and then we pay your half of the sale price into your bank account on or around the 14th.